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What makes a good company name?


Have you been thinking about starting your own business but feel a bit lost on where to start? Maybe you have a name in mind but aren't really sure if it's a good fit?

It has been said that your business name is one of the most important decisions to make, besides figuring out your product(s) and/or service(s). Choosing a name for your business can take a lot of time and effort, but it's a very important decision. You're going to be identified by it, so it's essential that you get it right.

Here are some tips to help you come up with a great name (or decide if the one you've got in mind is gold!)

  1. Make sure the name is relevant to your brand. Your business name should reflect the type of product(s) or service(s) you offer & it should fit with your personal brand identity.

  2. Your name should be short & sweet. It should be easy for clients to remember as word of mouth is typically a very important referral source!

  3. Make sure your name has at least one word in it that means something to your customers—it could be your product or service category, or even a word from the industry you serve. This helps to clearly identify WHAT you do or offer - individuals who are interested in this type of service or product will pay attention.

  4. Make sure it sounds good spoken aloud. Try saying it out loud with different inflections and tones; if it still sounds good when said in different ways, then it's probably a good option!

  5. Make sure the domain name is available for your business name. This is how people will find you online, so it's important that someone hasn't already taken it for their own use.

As you can see, there are a number of factors to consider when picking a name for your company! I always recommend having a good brainstorm session - write down anything and everything that comes to mind. Do not judge or filter anything out during this first step. Try different words, word combos, and let your creativity flow. When you come up with that is something unique and in alignment with your brand you will know! A name can do magic when it comes to advertising your product(s) and/or service(s). And we all want our business name to reflect our passion about our chosen product or profession!

My company Empowered by Design was created to save new business owners (particularly birth businesses!) time and energy in the business set up stage so that you can focus on what you're passionate about and your area of expertise!



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